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Links in Big Number charts

Mode's Big Number charts are great for communicating key performance indicators (KPIs). Turning them into links makes it easy for your audience to explore the underlying factors impacting the result. You can link to other reports in Mode or external URLs.

The example below shows a Big Number chart revealing the mean hours studied for the SAT and includes a link to the College Board's SAT page.

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Click Powered by Mode to duplicate this report and add a link to your Big Number chart. Learn more about using HTML to customize your reports.

Add the stylesheet link and script tag to the top of the HTML:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

This tag calls back to an open-source library called alamode.js, which provides an easy way to build some of our users' favorite visualizations.

Add the customizable snippet at the bottom of the HTML:


  	  "url": ""
  1. chart_id: The ID of the Big Number chart you want to turn into a link. You’ll find this ID in the pre-populated HTML code in a line that looks like this: <mode-chart id="chart_f43a83a9936c" dataset="dataset" options="chart_options"></mode-chart>.
  2. url: The URL you want to link to. This can be the URL for another Mode report or an external URL.

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