Links in Big Number charts
Bullet chart
Sparklines in Big Number charts
Chart annotations
Chart heights
Choropleth map
Force-directed graph
Geographic heat map
Google Maps with markers
Hive plot
Heat map
Funnel chart
Horizontal bar chart
How to implement gallery examples using the HTML editor
Network matrix
Creating Chart Annotations using Matplotlib
Creating Histograms using Pandas
Creating Horizontal Bar Charts using Pandas
How to Create R Histograms & Stylize Data
Creating Horizontal Bar Charts using R
State choropleth map
Sunburst chart
Word cloud
World choropleth map
Zipcode choropleth map
Chart heights
Sometimes it makes sense to change the heights of charts in your report. If you want to emphasize certain charts over others, changing display heights might be the way to go.
In the report below, the first chart is tall; the second two charts are short.
Click Powered by Mode to duplicate the report and change chart heights in your reports. Learn more about using HTML to customize your reports.
Change chart height
Once you've added charts to your report, you can change their height with the following steps.
Add the stylesheet link and script tag to the top of the HTML:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
Add the customizable snippet at the bottom of the HTML:
{ chart: "chart_d81c34cf90ab",
height: 600
chart: "chart_f0b785069dd0",
height: 200
chart: "chart_ac8a71581df2",
height: 200
You can customize each chart's height by editing the parameters in the snippet:
: The ID of the Mode chart you want to adjust. You'll find this ID in the pre-populated HTML code in a line that looks like this:<mode-chart id="chart_d81c34cf90ab" dataset="dataset" options="chart_options"></mode-chart>
: The height of the chart in pixels.