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Audit Logs


Audit Logs provide visibility into critical events within your workspace, enabling you to monitor activities and ensure compliance.

Currently consumers can review audit log for:

  • Tracking changes to user roles and memberships
  • Monitoring modifications to groups, collections, and connections
  • Reviewing access and permissions changes

Refer to the API documentation for details on accessing the Audit Log. Only Workplace Tokens are permitted for accessing this endpoint. It is the Workspace admins who can generate Workspace Tokens.

Audited Events

Below is a categorized list of events currently audited:

User Membership

EventAction Name
Change the role of a memberorg_user_role_changed
Invite a memberorg_user_invited
Resend an inviteorg_user_invitation_resent
Reinvite a former memberorg_user_reinvited

User Groups

EventAction Name
Create a groupgroup_created
Add a member to a groupgroup_member_added
Remove a member from a groupgroup_member_removed
Delete a groupgroup_deleted

Workspace Collections

EventAction Name
Change default Workspace accessworkspace_default_access_changed
Create a collectioncollection_created
Delete a collectioncollection_deleted
Add a member to a collectioncollection_member_added
Remove a member from a collectioncollection_member_removed
Change collection access for a membercollection_member_access_changed
Add a group to a collectioncollection_group_added
Remove a group from a collectioncollection_group_removed
Change collection access for a groupcollection_group_access_changed

Workspace Connections

EventAction Name
Create a connectionconnection_created
Delete a connectionconnection_deleted
Add a member to a connection with role (Manage, Query, View)connection_member_added_with_role
Remove a member from a connectionconnection_member_removed
Add a group to a connection with role (Manage, Query, View)connection_group_added_with_role
Remove a group from a connectionconnection_group_removed
Change connection access for a memberconnection_member_access_changed
Change connection access for a groupconnection_group_access_changed

Audit Logs Access

EventAction Name
When the audit log endpoint has been accessedaudit_log_accessed

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