
Long Running Queries

This query returns all queries in your Workspace with at least one run over the last 90 days, sorted by the average runtime per query run. You can use this query to identify queries in your Workspace consuming the most resources.

  views AS (
    SELECT rv.report_id,
           COUNT(rv.report_id) AS views,
           COUNT(DISTINCT rv.viewer_id) AS viewers
      FROM mode.organization_usage.report_views rv
     WHERE rv.viewed_at_utc >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL '90 DAY'
     GROUP BY 1

  SELECT r.name AS report_name,
         q.name AS query_name,
         q.id AS query_id,
         r.url AS report_url,
         U.email AS creator_email,
         NVL(v.views,0) AS report_views_over_last_90_days,
         NVL(v.viewers,0) AS report_viewers_over_last_90_days,
         COUNT(qr.id) AS query_runs,
         SUM(qr.runtime_in_seconds) AS cumulative_runtime,
         MAX(qr.runtime_in_seconds) AS longest_run,
         AVG(qr.runtime_in_seconds) AS average_runtime_per_run
    FROM mode.organization_usage.reports r
    JOIN mode.organization_usage.queries q
      ON q.report_id = r.id
    JOIN mode.organization_usage.users u
      ON u.id = q.creator_id
    JOIN mode.organization_usage.query_runs qr
      ON qr.query_id = q.id
     AND qr.state = 'succeeded'
     AND qr.started_at_utc >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL '90 DAY'
    LEFT JOIN views v
      ON v.report_id = r.id
   GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7